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Friday, June 20, 2008

R.I.P. Scott Waxler

A video tribute to the great Scott Waxler, the beloved Manhattan Beach teacher and friend who left behind an amazing wife, two awesome sons, and a community who adored him. He will be missed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Redondo Beach Crowne Plaza Bat Mitzvah

Here's Emma at her Redondo Beach Crowne Plaza bat mitzvah. The actual service was held in a conference room, adjoining the bigger ballroom for the party. We'll post pictures from the party next.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Bar Mitzvah Photography | Valley Beth Shalom Bar Mitzvah

Cody's bar mitzvah was held at THE synagogue of the San Fernando Valley, Valley Beth Shalom. Here's his bar mitzvah album set to "Sholom Alecheim." By
Graham & Graham Photography is a Los Angeles based photo team that specializes in bar mitzvah photography, bat mitzvah photography, b'nai mitzvah photography and b'not mitzvah photography. We have photographed simchas at many of the top temples in Los Angeles, including VBS, Temple Israel, Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Stephen S. Wise Temple, Temple Menorah, Temple Judea, Congregation Or Ami, Congregation Ner Tamid and Temple Beth Shalom.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bat Mitzvah Album by Graham & Graham Photography presents a bat mitzvah album from a Los Angeles bat mitzvah at Temple Isaiah of Los Angeles. The party was held at Olympic Collection of Los Angeles.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bar Mitzvah Photography | Temple Isaiah of Los Angeles

Bar mitzvah photography by Graham & Graham of Los Angeles. A bar mitzvah album, from Brian's Los Angeles bar mitzvah at Temple Isaiah of Los Angeles.